Endocrinology - Diabetes
Accepting New Patients
Endocrinology - Diabetes
Accepting New Patients
Endocrinology - Diabetes
Board Certifications
Family Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board, 2019
Education & Experience
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Professional Education, 2019
Emily grew up in Abingdon, Illinois. She is looking forward to renewing old friendships and creating new connections with the people she serves, focusing on keeping her patients healthy.
"My approach is to focus on disease prevention and promoting well-being," Emily said. "I am interested in helping my patients reduce their risk of developing diabetes and maintain a healthy weight through healthy eating."
Before becoming an advanced practice registered nurse, Emily worked as a registered nurse for 25 years. She knows that communication is the key to understanding her patients' unique challenges.
"I start by listening to you. It's so important to understand how you feel and what is happening to you physically," Emily said. "This is a judgment-free zone. I am willing to hear whatever you want to discuss."
Emily has four children, and they live in "a tiny house with a large amount of chaos and excitement."
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