Family Medicine
Board Certifications
Family Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2015
Education & Experience
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Professional Education, 2015
Why work for OSF HealthCare?
I originally came to OSF as a nurse because it was a Magnet hospital (an award given to a hospital based on the quality of nursing) with a Level I trauma center that was close to my hometown (Washington, Illinois). I chose to stay with OSF as a Nurse Practitioner because of the OSF Mission, and the desire for other Mission Partners to carry out the Mission.
What is your approach to care?r My approach is patient centered. I want to address their concerns and will add recommendations as necessary. I develop a treatment plan together with the patient that takes into account what works best for them.
What are some of your interests?
Spending time with family and friends. I enjoy being outdoors and working out.
Primary Location
New Patient Appointment
Morton: OSF Medical Group - Primary Care
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New Patient Appointment