Family Medicine
Board Certifications
Family Nurse Practitioner
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2018
Education & Experience
Bradley University
Professional Education, Advanced Practice Nurse, 2018
I treat all patients with kindness and respect. It is important to me to provide personal education as well, so they feel informed and comfortable making decisions about their health care.
Katelyn was drawn to the medical field at an early age.
"My mom is a nurse and my aunt is a pharmacist. Growing up, I enjoyed listening to them discuss medical topics," she said. "I also found the human body absolutely fascinating and was eager to learn more."
She chose to specialize in family medicine because it allows her to work with various ages.
"Working in a family practice setting will expand my knowledge base by being able to work with pediatric and geriatric patients," Katelyn said.
An interesting fact about Katelyn is that the majority of her experience has been providing health care in a correctional institution setting.
"It is not generally an area many go in to, but I am so glad I did," she said. "Not only did the job provide me with great medical experience, but it taught me how to handle difficult situations and how to communicate therapeutically with others. I also have some great stories!"
Katelyn is a trained vocalist and sings in the community choir in Minonk. When not working, she spends time with her husband and their fur babies.
Primary Location
New Patient Appointment
Minonk: OSF HealthCare - Medical Group (Primary Care)
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New Patient Appointment